Sunday, December 18, 2005


You scored as Ravenclaw. You have been sorted into Ravenclaw- you value intelligence, and love the chance to use your cleverness (and maybe even show it off- just a little). You're keen and incisive, and you just love a challenging problem to solve.









The Hogwarts Sorting Hat!
created with
[Thanks to Little Miss Attila]

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I got tagged by Tam of View from the Porch

The questions:

Seven things to do before I die
Seven things I cannot do
Seven things that attract me to (…)
Seven things I say most often
Seven books (or series) that I love
Seven movies I watch over and over again (or would if I had time)
Seven people I want to join in, too.

Seven things to do before I die
  1. Finish the work on my boat
  2. Sail Single Handed to Grenada - leaving from Florida
  3. Become a Gun Dealer
  4. Take another canoe trip through the Boundary Waters National Park and the Quateco Provincial Park
  5. Build a boat
  6. Sky Dive
  7. Finish one of my novels

Seven things I cannot do
  1. sing
  2. draw
  3. put up with stupidity
  4. dance
  5. go back to a corporate job
  6. talk to moonbats about politics
  7. cook Thanksgiving dinner

Seven things that attract me to sailing
  1. Freedom
  2. A real sense of Community
  3. A sense that I have accomplished something on my own
  4. sporting competition
  5. the space of the open water
  6. nature
  7. Freedom (again!)

Seven things I say most often
  1. Cocktails?!
  2. Damnit
  3. Ouch
  4. TowBoatUS, TowBoatUS, This is Sailing Vessel Zendo, hailing one six
  5. I'll have a large coffee please
  6. Make mine extra spicy
  7. I'll have a side order of chips and salsa

Seven books (or series) that I love
  1. Lord of the Rings
  2. Vorkosigan Series by Bujold
  3. Chalion series by Bujold
  4. The Oddessey by Homer
  5. Six Great Ideas by Adler
  6. The Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon
  7. Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Seven movies I watch over and over again (or would if I had time)
  1. Casablanca
  2. Hero
  3. The Incredibiles
  4. The Shootist
  5. El Dorado
  6. Rio Bravo
  7. Pale Rider

Seven people I want to join in, too.
  1. Grizzly Mama
  2. Ken Summers
  3. Gina
  4. Jeff
  5. Florida Cracker
  6. Tammy
  7. Sissy

Tammy Bruce versus Hollywood Nhilism

Tammy Bruce: And Hollywood Wonders Why They're Failing Just go read it already!